Featuring Benny on guitar and vocals, Mitch on bass and Ross on Drums, this garage, reverb soaked, power pop machine from Perth have been delivering catchy tunes since the release of the debut EP in 2016. With an overall sound akin to as a cross between The Replacements and Reigning Sound, ‘You Don’t Have To Lie’ is the follow up to last year’s undeniably captivating single ‘Can’t Do Nothing’.
About the song, Rinehearts bass played Mitch says ‘I can’t really take the shadows and the shame’ reflects on ‘hiding someone you are or being something, you aren’t. ‘You Don’t Have To Lie’ is reminiscent of the heartbreak that comes from juvenile love.’
Both singles have been lifted from the Rinehearts debut album Can’t Do Nothing released on Cheersquad Records & Tapes on Friday May 10 2019.