Jasmin Kaset is a Nashville songwriter, daughter of acclaimed Nashville songwriter, Angela Kaset.
Jasmin has spent 50% of the last 5 years on the road as 1/2 of the satirical punk band, Birdcloud. Kaset also has two solo records predating the satire project and a 2018 synthwave release under the moniker You Drive.

Jasmin Kaset’s new album ‘Tuxedo’ was written and tracked in 2017 and 2018 as a collaboration with prolific rock and roll musician, Brett Rosenberg of Quichenight. The album was recorded in Kaset’s back shed ‘The Hymen Auditorium’ mostly on a 4 track Tascam Portastudio.
‘Tuxedo’ is an amalgamation of Kaset’s lit-informed writing with Rosenberg’s lo-fi, high- brow, easy-listening music.
We see here that Kaset is trying on Quichenight’s sound like a fine suit.